Orc Breeding

Версия - 1.2





Is a collection of erotic fiction about orcs — strong, powerful warriors, whose tribes are spread throughout the land — and the men they take for their own. They pillage. They make alliances. And some of them even love. - Some of the men in these stories are more than willing to be taken by — or take — these muscular, sweaty, green-skinned brutes. Some need a little convincing to enjoy their captivity. And some are bound, humiliated and made into their captors’ playthings. But rest assured that all these men experience the hard, raunchy, homosexual rutting that helps to perpetuate the orcish tribes.​

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Version 1.2
Developer Nemo0690 Itch.io
OS Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2021-11-13



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