Witches Pairing

Версия - 0.1.1p





Academy of witchery and magic is the last magical education institute standing. - Horrendous virus was released by the Darkfethers. - Many died, many got very ill. But the main effect of the evolving virus is still to be discovered. - You play the role of Academy's headmaster - professor DoubleRoar. - By passing the pairing tests you learn new aid techniques wich will help maintain Academy's students health. - By doing your main duty you will stuck on the unforseen mysteries of an ancient academy's castle and it's outskirts. - Will magical world live to the new dangers? - It's all up to You.​

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Version 0.1.1p
Developer Kitty_SFMItch.io
OS Windows, Android, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2021-07-29



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