Beyond the Edge

Версия -





Beyond the Edge is a story-based fantasy RPG with a lot of erotic elements. And when I say story-based, I mean that for this game, the story aspect is just as important as the adult aspect. The game is balancing between serious storytelling and non-serious comic or erotic moments. - This is a game in which you get to know the world anew in the role of a once powerful being, now devastated and completely lost. With an entire castle without a single soul inside, you will have to fill it with life again, find new friends to stand against the coming doom. At the same time solving conflicts between people, between thoughts and feelings, gradually realizing that there is something beyond this world and it is part of you. - Important: From now on, the game is called Beyond the Edge. I think a lot of people would agree that this should have been done a long time ago, so it is done. The Book of Tentacles is now the title of the first act of the game. - Formally known as The Book of Tentacles​

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Developer Re-boner Ocelot Buymeacoffee
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2023-07-28



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游戏缺少插件打不开 亲爱的