House On The Hill

Версия - 1.0





Fucking fuck. Why is life so fucky? Okay I'm being a little dramatic. I'm just frustrated because Melissa is throwing me for a loop. I've been seeing her for a while now, but every time things get heated and I think we're about to do the deed, she has some excuse. What's her deal? And my roommate, I don't get her either. Ever since starting her new IT consulting job she's been acting strange. Well, she's always strange, but I mean she's been acting stranger than usual. It's time to get some answers. - This is a choice based game with point and click mechanics. This game is focused on story but keeps it simple and light on reading. - known bug with rollback and forward/skip - try to avoid using them until I've worked out the bugs. - ​

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Version 1.0
Developer TacoHoleStory
OS windows, linux, mac, android
Language English
Thread Updated 2021-05-31



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