
Версия - 0.1





Is your journey as a human who has been reincarnated by a goddess in a D&D style world. Partially inspired by Corruption of champions, you will have a home base where you can explore the world around you and find new areas. This enables you to find new items and new love interests. The items are planned to become a sort of looter style with different rarities! - The combat style allows you to win by being either stronger or being more seductive, with enemies that specialise in different fighting methods. Every new major location will have its own story line, as you work to build up and improve your town against all the other races or factions. Good luck and may your libido be strong!​

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Version 0.1
Developer RedFate DesignsBuyMeACoffee
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2021-03-02



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