Time Tenshi Paradox

Версия - Episode 1-2





Hi hangs in the balance… - The Time Tenshi narrowly saved the future, but what lurks in the past? - Join Rose, Kyo, Tessa and Michelle in the first episode of Time Tenshi Paradox. - A new episodic visual novel series from Silver Cow Studio! - Thanks to your grandfather’s secret invention, a machine known as the Time Window, mankind’s grandest dream – to travel through time – is now a reality! But only a select few have the power to visit centuries past… and as Kenji Johnson, you’ll explore the amazing world of time travel with the group of girls known as the Time Tenshi!​

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Censorship No Sexual Content
Version Episode 1-2
Developer Silver Cow Studio
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2021-08-19



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