Koibito's Quest - Hentai Furry JRPG

Версия - Prototype





Koibito was born a strange firefox, with natural powers. Stuck among people and yokai, his master trained him to be a diplomat. In a world where people and yokai understand each other less and less as the days pass by, they'll need help, , from someone who is in contact with all races. - Traveling the world after leaving his home, Koibito comes to a village that's being threatened by the very Kamaitachi that should protect it. Now Koibito has to use all his knowledge and power to help the yokai of the mountain and the people from the village come to terms before anyone is harmed. ​

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Version Prototype
Developer hentairoomItch.io-
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2021-01-29



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