Domination Quest

Версия - 0.14.0





Domination Quest follows the adventures of Asus, daughter of a retired adventurer that wants to follow her mother's footsteps and become the greatest adventurer out there. After years training with her mother, she and her childhood friend Mile are ready to set off but a thunder gets their attention. After investigating the site, they discover a badly injured succubus called Alisa that informs Asus about the plans of the demonic overlords: infiltrated the mortal races and take them over. Now knowing about the demon's plot Asus makes a pact with Alisa, allowing her to reside inside her, while she and Mile try to uncover the demons plans and stop the takeover.​

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Censorship No
Version 0.14.0
Developer/Publisher Kolren Blog
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2019-02-22



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