The Shackles of Affection

Версия - Final





City of Wind - the city of open opportunities. You can be who you want to be and do what you want to do. Do you have any talents? Then perfect them. Well, you've got a lot of opportunities. But, as always, you need money for that. Do you have any money? Great! You can do whatever you want. Jack lives in the City of Wind. He's a former soldier who's become a regular mercenary. A murderer, to put it simply. His brother, Gregor, owns an organization called Freedom for People. Jack is the best mercenary at his brother's firm. But there is one problem... Jack is extremely wayward. He likes to drink. Almost no one saw him sober. - In addition, Jack has an extremely short temper. Who knows how he will cope with all the problems and where his actions will lead him.

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Version Final
Developer NikitaGames96
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English, Russian
Thread Updated 2020-07-25



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