Chains of Pleasure

Версия - Ch. 4





Your family's bloodline had always been unique ; Born with the special talents to break a woman's will and surrendering their whole being to your command. You were the last successor of this family after your father was killed during a police raid. Now alone with the help of his best friend, you have to rebuild another empire to continue your family's name. His ways are never something that you agree with. It's effective, but there are some parts in your hear that wanted to do things differently. The Heart was not something that he ever cared about; Frankly, in some ways, you believed that even though it was cruel, You know that some part of his philosophy is right. Maybe you won't make the same mistakes he did, or perhaps you will fall victim to your own desires; That is for you to decide.

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Version Ch. 4
Developer ShuttleCockGames
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2019-12-18


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