Space Cadettes

Версия - Episode1





In a far off galaxy, there is a war taking place. The evil Lord Cain has caused chaos and destruction in many planetary systems, and has taken control of others. His cruelty is feared throughout the galaxy, and many planets submit to his rule to avoid death or slavery. But the leaders of the alliance, known as the United Galactic Assembly, have joined forces on planet Kornea for military and diplomatic solutions. A senate was formed and the fight between good and evil has begun. The military leaders started an academy to train and teach anyone willing to fight in the battle for peace and justice. The story starts with Jenna and River, who have just graduated from the academy, on their way to join Admiral Lonestar's space fleet. The girls are about to start a new chapter of their lives: living on a military base in space. - ​

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Version Episode1
Developer SpaceBall1
OS Windows, Mac, Linux
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-12-27



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