
Версия - 0.1a





In a life defined by heartbreak, loneliness, and relentless misfortune, you feel trapped in a cycle of despair. Yet, a glimmer of hope emerges when a mysterious foreign student enters your class. She extends a hand shrouded in ambiguity and uncertainty, claiming to be a primordial deity and the embodiment of 'steal'. Will you put your trust in this enigmatic figure? - As she bestows upon you a newfound power, the choice lies in how you wield it. Will you succumb to the temptation to exploit others for personal gain, or will you harness this ability to bring about positive change in your life and the world around you?​

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Version 0.1a
Developer BeggarPrince
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-05-04



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