Celebrity Hunter

Версия - Episode 15.1





Desperate times call for desperate measures. Fresh out of journalism school, your only hope to live in the bustling Capital is a thrilling gig: paparazzi extraordinaire! - Unveil celebrities' hidden truths by day to avoid being fired. By night, the glittering facades of artists, actresses, and heartthrobs crumble, revealing their secret cravings. - Build trust, forge friendships, and even fulfill their deepest desires or ignite a forbidden plastic love - all tools in your arsenal (morals optional). - In Celebrity Hunter, you'll expose the darkest secrets of fascinating people, from model exploitation and the dark side of cinema to mafia underworld and corruption in city hall.

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Version Episode 15.1
Developer Geiko Games Itch.io
OS Windows, Linux, Android, Mac
Language English, Portuguese
Thread Updated 2024-10-15



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