The Iris Indigo

Версия - 0.02a





THEME: The game is super simple in nature! You work as a house-handler in the hostel: The Iris Indigo. The main character does some basic house-keeping work throughout the game while meeting people of various kinds and backgrounds. Don't worry, I won't make the game a chore to play. - THE CHARACTER: Meet Amelie Ackermann, a 35 year old woman who has been a high-tier prostitute in one of the most notorious clubs : The Soaring Clouds. She finds a way to get out of the system and live a life on her own terms. However, years of service has drained her sanity and she is on the brink of losing her sane mind.​

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Version 0.02a
Developer BrokeGuy118 Itch.ioSubscribestar
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-04-17



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