Spirit's Secret

Версия - 0.0.8





You wake up in the hospital, disoriented, with no memory of who you are or how you got there. Your mother is by your side, worried and caring. She takes you back home, hoping that the familiar environment will help you regain your lost memory. - At your home, you meet your family, but something seems strange. There's a dark and malevolent aura in the air. That's when Bael, an evil spirit, is revealed. He offers you a terrifying deal. - He promises to restore your memory in exchange for 'corruption.' - Deciding to corrupt your family in exchange for your memory is a heart-wrenching decision, but your memory is the key to discovering who you are.​

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Version 0.0.8
Developer a_furbyzSubscribeStar
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English, French
Thread Updated 2024-05-16



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