Shards Of Eradine

Версия - v1.0.0.1





The myth that the Goddess could be resurrected had been whispered on the dying breath of Malami, the last Great Nymph trainer. His faith in her resurrection passed to Cosmo, his wet yet loyal grandson, accompanied by his trusty sidekick Frea, a cheeky and hilarious nymph. Their quest, if successful, would restore the lands to their former glory. Beauty, passion and creativity would return to the realm, all considered distant memories of a time before she’d passed judgment on the wicked ways of man. Their journey will be filled with battles: they will meet exciting trainers during their quest and recruit some super sexy girls along the way.​

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Censorship No
Version v1.0.0.1
Developer/Publisher CryptidTech
Platform PC / Windows
Language English



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