Carnal Outbreak

Версия - 2024-06-05





Carnal Outbreak is an erotic turn-based battle game that parodies classic late 90s "Survival Horror" titles. In this game the ammo is limited, so you need to wisely manage every found object. Notably, you can use the protagonist's body as a unique weapon. - In Carnal Outbreak, you'll step into the shoes of Eveline, a 37-year-old woman who, after learning about her husband's infidelity, chooses to start a new in Turdus City. Seeking to infuse excitement into her life, she also decides to join the police force. - On her first day as a police officer, Eveline must explore a mysterious and unsettling house filled with creatures exhibiting peculiar carnal instincts... - While the game follows a linear path, a decision-making system adds a dynamic element, influencing the plot's development. These choices also affect secondary characters and shape our protagonist's behavior, letting you decide if our police woman remains a dedicated agent of order or gives in to her carnal instincts....​

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Version 2024-06-05
Developer Mr.HeisenbergoItch.ioSubscribeStar
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-06-22



Последние комментарии


Isn't the tag "Horror" missing? I didn't go very far (reactivate generator), and I already spent most of the game soaking my pants... I hate horror games, why I don't download them. Sorry for this poor attempt, it probably can't count as a review. But at least you can leave if horror games are not your type...