Lost in You

Версия - 0.8.2





Take on the role of [REDACTED], an 18 year old senior high school student trying to move on from a rough breakup. Meet new people and cross paths with old acquaintances as you try to build and maintain relationships in the fictional Japanese city of Jakuofo. As you grow closer to everyone they'll start to open up more and you'll soon come to realise that life isn't all fun and games for those around you either. But worry not, the city is your playground to do as you please! Or is it...? Perhaps not everything is as it appears at first... Only time will tell. - Warning: Certain elements in this game are meant to confuse or disturb you.​

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Version 0.8.2
Developer atrX SubscribeStarItch
OS Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-05-24



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