
Версия - 0.5





Lucid is a game about dreams and how celestial beings called Lunes interact with them. - Lunes look exactly like humans, but they interact with dreams in a very curious manner. - They could foresee the future and even change their fate through their dreams. - Aside from their special abilities involving dreams, Lunes are also naturally gifted mentally and physically. - People in the old days feared them, so they decided to keep their race a secret. - Our story is about a young orphan Lune who is just, - trying to survive everyday life but will soon discover that life is not as simple for a Lune like him, - especially since he doesn't fully know his race or himself. - He may already be a Lune, and that alone makes him unique, but he is actually more special than the other Lunes. - Let's just say he has a very big advantage in finding a suitable partner in life.​

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Version 0.5
Developer MissFit
OS Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-06-16



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