
Версия - 1.0





Yiffalicious is a dynamic yiff engine in 3D that's all about user freedom and interaction. By offering a fully fledged pose editor and utilizing advanced technologies such as procedural animation and real-time dynamic mesh morphing, we are aiming to create an unprecedented level of interactivity and detail. - Yiffalicious is a free app focused solely on yiffing and no annoying distractions, hence our slogan . - In Yiffalicious, users create "interactions", where you decide what characters are yiffing, their poses and how exactly the yiffing occurs (speed, depth, force etc). By using the built in interaction browser, you can browse through thousands of interactions created by the community, or upload your own.​

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Этот разработчик также на Patreon - Если вам нравится игра, пожалуйста, подумайте о том, чтобы поддержать их, чтобы они продолжали создавать отличные игры в будущем.

Version 1.0
Developer Yiffalicious crew
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2017-11-03



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