Katarina: The Generals Daughter





On a straightforward mission to assassinate a high ranking Demacian officer, Katarina ends up spotting more lucrative quarry – a Demacian General. Determined with taking matters into her own hands, she ignores her orders and assassinates the General instead. After all, who could resist such an opportunity? - Little does she know that the officer that she let go ended up slaughtering a Noxian regiment in the field the very next day. Noxian High Command was not pleased and she was duly sentenced for insubordination. Katarina’s own father, General Du Couteau, orders her to undergo punishment at the hands of the depraved Torturemaster of Noxus. In this ancient and vile city, tradition goes before blood… and as the brash young assassin is about to discover – ancient Noxian punishments can be exhausting!​

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Censorship No
Developer / Publisher Studio FOW
Language English
Updated 3 Janurary 2017



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