
Версия - 0.2 Revision 1





Dreams. - Dreams are formed from various thoughts, images, desires, or just something random the mind comes up with as you sleep. They're involuntarily experienced by those that sleep and, most of the time, have no control over them. - But what if they turn real? - Enter Kalpana City, where you (Barney or another name) move to the big city with your childhood friend due to disastrous circumstances back in your hometown. With a chance to restart your life, it seems like a done deal to begin anew. - However, residents around the city are mysteriously dying in their sleep. Will you meet the same fate, or will you fight against it to discover the truth of these nightmares of death? - Welcome... To your Dreamscape.​

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Version 0.2 Revision 1
Developer DummyDeltaItch.io
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2023-01-24



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