The Symbiant

Версия - Final





In the year 5066, Danya and his alien friend Juniper are manning The Ameretat, - a humble spaceship that transports goods across the Milky Way. - After a troubled transport gig that left their beloved ship in need of repair and their bank account empty, - the team is offered a generous deal they cannot refuse: - transporting a beautiful and mysterious alien who calls himself Brahve. - Sometimes at night, Danya hears strange noises from Brahve's room. - What could he be hiding in there? - And how will it affect the connection that's quickly growing between the two men? - This game is GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY - it's a BL game. - Nobody is heterosexual in this game, not even the green lady, and you can't date her either.​

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Version Final
Developer HeartCoreDev
OS Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language English, Français, Русский, 繁體中文, 简体中文, 日本語, แบบไทย, 한국어, Italiano, Deutsch, Español, Português (BR)
Thread Updated 2023-02-18



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