Knightess Layla -The Humiliating Life of a Seed Bed-

Версия - Final





Layla is a proficient swords-woman and likewise a knightess faithful to her kingdom. One day, demons invade that very kingdom with a powerful army and Layla fights to the very end in an attempt to defeat the enemy leader. - However, the difference in their strength is obvious and Layla is abysmally defeated. - The kingdom she serves, destroyed... and she herself, a strong woman = a strong womb... captured by the demons as a seed bed for fueling their armies of conquest. "I will escape and take back what is our, and restore the kingdom to its former glory!!" But whether Layla can even escape from her prison. That is the question indeed...

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Censorship Yes
Version Final
Developer/Publisher WINDWAVE
OS Windows
Language English patched
Thread Updated 2018-04-21



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