The Last Weekend

Версия - 1.0.0





A bunch of friends (2 boys and 2 girls) come to the country-house near the lake for a weekend.The house is situated deep in the forest, mobile phone signal is poor. There is no telephone line, any rain would make the dirt-roads impassable. The hostess – a modest skinny girls – greets the friends. The guests swim in the lake and have fun. It starts to rain. The guests go to the house where they have an chat sprinkled with alcohol. The hostess is with them. The chat proceeds to a question "If you were a supernatural being, what kind of being would you chose?"​

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Length Very Short 2hrs
Censorship none
Version 1.0.0
Developer / Publisher kexboyVndbItch.ioBlog
Platform Windows, Mac,
Language Eng
Updated 2017-02-14



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