Fnia The Golden Age

Версия - Final





You are a 20 year old boy, who looks like as if he is 14 years old and therefore wasn't taken seriously. - You worked as a mechanic and had great talents. - But there's always a first. - Once you repaired a broken car one day, you accidently put in the wrong fuel and it came to an accident. - No one died, but the damage was serious and your boss fired you for failing. - Eventually you run out of money and then out of blue, - you get a newspaper where it's said, that help is wanted as the Freddy-chan's Anime Pizzarea nightguard. - You think you are dreaming, but the actual dream has yet to come true - No sexual content ATM (will be added in a future patch)

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Version Final
Developer Yuuto KatsukiItch.io
OS Windows, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2022-10-29



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