Zara's School Life

Versão - 0.63





You follow and control Zara Williams as she takes on a challenge to become the Prom Queen in the Graduation Day Promenade no matter what the cost. Can you help her become a somebody after spending all her life as a nobody? - Take her on a journey in school and with her family and even random strangers in the city as you build Zara towards a slut who will do anything and everything to achieve her goals. She is a woman of focus, commitment and sheer will.​

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Version 0.63
Developer NeoSpectre
OS Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-10-25



Comentários Recentes


This game has TOTALLY changed, becoming so much more interesting. My previous evaluation is no longer consistent with the current content. It now deserves some attention and I recommend it to anyone whose interests are school setting and a wide range of possibilities. I already mentionned Young Maria, but it is even better. Finally a great work!


Well, the game is taking an unexpected turn, forgetting consistencies and focussing mainly on corruption. It actually reduces the "game" to energy management while forced events give the player the choice to keep energy for the rest of the day and lose reputation OR spend energy on this forced event and gain reputation. It seems that no improvements can be gained through Fitness (no extra energy) or Intelligence (no ability to negotiate). So every school day only depends on good or bad luck in the WC. I found no real objective to motivate, reaching 50+ for both Intelligence and Fitness (both useless) and 200+ corruption which allows to manage further events in the WC (random encounters, boys WC, gloryhole) insofar Zara has enough energy. Finally, overwhelmed with random events taking away my energy, I got bored and quitted.


Kind of a version of Young Maria before it turned weird (granting to cooking an unexplainable crucial importance). I don't know if that's the purpose to restore what YM should have remained to be, but if so I can only praise such an effort. Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go to reach any comparability. The game surely still needs more places and "activities". I hope it will develop nicely and will follow the updates with interest.