Nacht-sama Is Quitting Being the Demon King!

Versão - 1.02





Demon King Nacht's castle has been attacked! In order to find out who was behind the attack, Nacht used her ability to go back in time. - After one investigation, Nahat found that things were not simple. She decided to slowly start building her prestige...​

Gostei Não Gostei
Version 1.02
Developer Jizo Survival Night Ci-en
Publisher Hanabi Games Steam - Website
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2023-10-22



Comentários Recentes


My favorite points about this game was mostly its art and some of its characters. However the character development and build up isn't paced well, by that I mean the game is not long at all. It's considerably short for the potential it could have led to. The ending was pretty fun, I really loved the ending song. For all of it, I slash and give a 7.2/10, I'm a sucker for games with good music. The story was pretty rushed since it was so short, and there is not a lot of background, however I did like the art style, so kudos on that.