Ignorant Girl Mao and the City of the Fallen

Versão - 1.00





This is a little story spun by Mao, a fighter girl who wants to be the strongest, and her partner and childhood friend, a boy named Theo. - The story takes place in Anatile, a kingdom that has settled down after a territorial dispute, on Blankmont, a sacred mountain in the northern part of the kingdom, a huge labyrinth has been discovered. - Mao and Theo, the protagonists of this story, went to Anatile to explore the sacred mountain in order to train and become stronger. However, the discovery of the underground labyrinth has filled all the accommodations in the country, and the two end up staying in "Yule Koram", a town known for its unsafe conditions... - There, many men are looking for a chance to fuck Mao's healthy body...​

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