Hayato (the protagonist), born in a village on the border of the Kingdom of North Aura, lived a peaceful life with his childhood friend Leia (the heroine). - However, the peaceful life of the village was threatened by an invasion from a neighboring country. - In order to save the village from this crisis, Hayato and Leia decided to join the Royal Knights, but… - Set in the Kingdom of North Aura, with its strict class system, this is a classic childhood friend cuckold RPG in which your beloved girlfriend is taken away by another man!
Original Title | マ男ニ染マル純白ノ彼女 |
Version | 1.02 |
Developer | sinabi ninja village Ci-en |
OS | Windows |
Language | English (GPT-4o) |
Thread Updated | 2024-11-05 |
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