Nel's Misfortune

Version - 0.62





Spoiler - - - - v0.62 - - NEW GAME SYSTEM: Added a new variable called precision. Basically it determines how much chance you have to hit a target. If it's 4, your chance to hit it is 40%, if it's 10, your chance to hit it is 100%. This game system is intended to make fights harder so your character would have to increase her stats instead of casually mowing down everyone. - - NEW GAME AREA: Added a shooting range to the town. You can increase your precision with 2 units per day to the point it reaches 10. In The Zeta Sector I aim to do something similar, but I think the cap will be raised, possibly to 100, because it is a larger game. - - NEW GAME SYSTEM: Added a new variable called strength. Basically it determines how strong your character can punch in a fight. Right now this only affects the fight with your competitor, but strength is generally a good thing to have, so it's 100% that it will have more uses later on. - - NEW GAME AREA: Added a gym to the town. You can increase your strength with 2 units per day to the point it reaches 10. In The Zeta Sector I aim to do something similar, but I think the cap will be raised, possibly to 100, because it is a larger game. - INTRODUCTION REWORK: Reworked the introduction section so it wouldn't be a pile of unfriendly slobs of text. Instead it is more VN like. - - SLAVE PATH EXTENDED: Extended the slave path that takes place on the pirate ship. If the mc breaks out, she will meet another slave, and she can either help her or leave her to her fate. - - MINOR TWEAK: I decided to close off the paths where Nel is captured by the pirates after she initially agrees to the mission with a bad end. During replays I found it annoying that the game lets you continue despite the fact that you can't actually get out of the cage. - - MINOR TWEAK: Changed the days you have to finish the game from 7 to 14. - - MINOR TWEAK: Instead of getting the plasma pistol at the end of the fight with the Blue One, the gun will break at the end of the fight. You will have to get it repaired in the general store in order to equip it. - - MINOR TWEAK: Changed the hub in the general store so there would be a cashier you could interact with. I decided to use the lady from the gun store on Jafar, just to have a neat reference to the main title. - - MINOR TWEAK: Changed the cap for corruption from 3 to 10. - - MINOR TWEAK: Changed the corruption points required to get to the Slave Registry from 3 to 10. - - MINOR TWEAK: Changed the way you gain corruption points in the fuck all-you like, so you would get 1 corruption point on each occasion. - - MINOR TWEAK: Changed the telers you can earn in the fuck-all-you-like from 100 to 50. - - MINOR TWEAK: Changed the telers you can earn in the pub from 15 to 10. - - NEW RENDER: Added a new render where the human Nel is auctioned off as a slave. Instead of fully clothed in ruanite, now she only wears a ballgag, the boots and the straitjacket. - - NEW RENDER: Added a new render where the adenian Nel is auctioned off as a slave. Instead of fully clothed in ruanite, now she only wears a ballgag, the boots and the straitjacket. - - NEW RENDER: Added a new render where the human Nel has a syringe placed on her back. - - NEW RENDER: Added a new render where the adenian Nel has a syringe placed on her back. - - NEW RENDER: Added a new render where the human Nel is biting on her ballgag. - - NEW RENDER: Added a new render where the adenian Nel is biting on her ballgag. - - NEW RENDER: Added a new render where Nel finds a slave onboard the ship. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render with the human Nel's face with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render with the adenian Nel's face with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the human Nel works as a barista with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the adenian Nel works as a barista with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the human Nel is sold as concubine with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the adenian Nel is sold as concubine with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the human Nel works in the fuck-all-you-like naked with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the adenian Nel works in the fuck-all-you-like naked with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the human Nel works in the fuck-all-you-like with a hood on her head with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the adenian Nel works in the fuck-all-you-like with a hood on her head with a brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the human Nel works in the fuck-all-you-like fully encased in ruanite with brighter one. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the render where the adenian Nel works in the fuck-all-you-like fully encased in ruanite with brighter one. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the cashier from Jafar. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the gym. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the shooting range. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the spare parts to the plasma pistol. - v0.5 - - NEW ACTIVITY: From now on you can undertake assignments as a bounty hunter. - - NEW ASSIGNMENT: Added the Masked Shadow as your first assignment as a bounty hunter. - - NEW ASSIGNMENT: Added the Blue One as your second assignment as a bounty hunter. - - NEW ASSIGNMENT: Added the Dark Baron as your third assignment as a bounty hunter. - - NEW ACTIVITY: From now on you can upload naked images on the Starnet in exchange for some extra cash. - - NEW WEAPON: Added the plasma pistol into the game. This is the most powerful weapon at the moment that you can acquire, you can get it from the Blue One after you dealt with her. - - NEW MECHANIC: From now on if you have a superior weapon, and you buy an inferior weapon, the game won't force you to have the inferior one. You cannot change your weapons yet like in The Zeta Sector, but this will come soon. - - STYLE UPDATE: Fixed the issue with the fonts that prevented some of them from loading. From now on all fonts are included in the game folder, so you can fully customize your experience. - - STYLE UPDATE: Added dark grey as a new background color and made it the base background color. - - NEW DIALOGUE: Changed the dialogue with Lauren if the human Nel approaches her with the plasma gun. - - NEW RENDER: Added a new render with human Nel being sold on the slave market. - - NEW RENDER: Added a new render with adenian Nel being sold on the slave market. - - NEW RENDER: Replaced the previous cover with a better one. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with Nel's datapad onboard the Galilei. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the Masked Shadow while alive. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the Masked Shadow while not alive. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the Blue One while alive. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the Blue One while not alive. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the Dark Baron in human form. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the Dark Baron in cyborg form. - - NEW AI IMAGE: Added a new ai image with the Dark Baron in cyborg form while even less alive than before. - v0.4 - - Added 3 new locations to the game: a shop, a whorehouse and the Galilei. In the shop the mc can buy a weapon and a new suit in order to help against her competition. The whorehouse is of course to gather research and become more intelligent. The ship is practically for sleeping, but the mc can also read the story Aarla's Descent and just chill in general. - - Added the option to work in the pub as a barista (the bondage way!). This job pays less than the first one, however it costs less energy (2 energy points vs 1). - - Added a new stat to the game called corruption. If the mc goes to the whorehouse regularly it will reach maximum and allow her to go to the Slave Registry. In previous versions the mc could go to the slave registry right away. But now she has to work for it - - Added new outcomes to the encounter on the wreckage. If the mc wears the new suit victory is guaranteed in both starts. If the mc only buys the gun it will still guarantee victory in the human start. In the adenanian start the gun doesn't do much since adenian skin is bulletproof. - - Added a time event after the seventh day, where the tracker shocks Nel unconscious. If the mc is not with Fiz at this time, the pirates will scoop her up and keep her as a slave. If the mc is with Fiz at this time, Fiz will find out what happened and escape from the planet with the mc kept as his slave. - - Replaced the pony images with new ones. - v0.3a - - Replaced some of the renders with better ones. - v0.3 - - Extended the pirate bad end with a slave cycle and 2 possible endings. - - The extension has two possible entry points: Nel can either say no at the beginning or she can get captured by the pirates later. - - If Nel gets captured at the beginning, they will tie her up with ropes and she can escape (this is part of the slave cycle where Nel gets used again and again by the pirates). - - If Nel gets captured later, the pirates will put her in a straitjacket, and she can't escape (this is part of the slave cycle where Nel gets used again and again by the pirates). - - I also added a combat scene to the part when Nel gets free. It's a bit similar to what I have in Stellar Justice, but I think it works here. - v0.2 - - Added a second start scenario with a human protagonist. The scenario includes various changes to the text and 13 new renders. - - Added a mission log and an inventory. - - Replaced the ai image of the bar with a more suitable one. - - Fixed a bunch of typos and grammatical errors. - - I also added the slave registry path from the paid version that was supposed to release on July 5. I figure this way it will be better since you won't have to download the game two times in such a short period. - v0.1 Demo - Initial Release

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