Descent to Depravity

Version - 0.5.1





You'll follow Ash; a post-graduate whose life isn't turning out quite how they'd hoped until they luck out and get the job of their dreams. - A great job, great pay and lots of benefits, almost seem too good to be true...​

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Version 0.5.1
Developer Olivv TFGames
OS Windows,
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-11-19


Recent Comments


(cont.) A better game with a character that is made to do things against their will from the very beginning is Secretary, because the MC still has an internal voice, and they live in a world where that stuff is normal. They don't live in a reflection of our world. Besides, the boss in Secretary is a likable character, while Adrian and Sophie are certainly not. Later in DtD you meet a few other characters before you reach a WIP screen, but they are not any better for the most part. Most porn game developers really need to work on their character writing, even if they are not writing high art, the characters in the game still need to be likeable for the game to be enjoyable.


(Cont.) I found the last scene with Sophie and Adrian in the apartment especially annoying, when the main character could easily defend himself but chooses to only say "I'm sorry, I didn't know", like my man, my brother in christ, you don't know because they didn't tell you! And they blame you for watching when they are doing their super secret fetish thing in the apartment they share with you!! And with the door cracked open!!! Even if the MC watched for too long, that doesn't make the other characters right. Everyone is in the wrong, but MC is not the guilty party for seeing in the first place, which the other character suggest. F that, I hate when the irrational characters are made to look right. Just awful writing, and there's a lot of it, since this is not a video or picture heavy porn game, text is 95% of it, minus the sex scenes which are 50/50.


I can't stand pushover main characters like this one. If a character is to become submissive, have some basic character development, please! Because, what's the point of having the character be a submissive little bitch with no personality from the very beginning? In this game, even when you make choices that increase your willpower, every character ends up walking all over you anyway. That would be fine if at least the MC had some fight in him, but he doesn't, really.


The look of the game is ok. The story is so oriented that the choices are made obvious. You know where it goes, you choose to follow or not. At some point, the rule is clear: the more you give in, the less you'll be able to choose between answers, making it easier to drive you into the main scenario. But also the less you give in, the less content you will get and the sooner you'll see the WIP notice. So if you want to play for good, simply "choose" to lose. A lot of spelling mistakes: seems it is more like alphas not doing their homework and workout at the gym instead...