A Date With Emily

Version - Final





Your longtime friend and crush, Emily, moves back to your hometown and surprises you by inviting you on a date. - As exciting as the prospect of dating her sounds, you’re also scared of losing the friendship that you have. - But if the date goes well, who knows, maybe an amazing future that you’ve always dreamt of awaits?​

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Version Final
Developer RobertDeadth
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2021-09-21



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It's basically a short kinetic novel. The game has quickmenu with auto, skip etc. It has music, but no sound effects. The renders are okay, but nothing special. The girl is neither that pretty nor that hot. The game is the MC going to meet a childhood friend. The game gives you a few options during conversation, but they're all cosmetic. And then the MC has sex with the girl without us choosing anything to get there. It's all automatic. The game ends in about 5 minutes if you pass some texts. I thought it was a waste of time!