Childhood Friends

Version - Episode 2 v1.1





A short NTR story about the painfully reencounter with a childhood friend.​

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Version Episode 2 v1.1
Developer Void Star
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2020-11-13



Nyeste kommentarer


Not the good exciting NTR, for beta losers only, I felt sick and wanted to vomit. TAC that's a great great NTR game, this is some sick SH*T, I don't know how this cuck looks himself into the mirror everyday without breaking it?


If this is really game makers life story, then u are a born cuck man, u are not enlightened by any kind of maturity or understanding in yr later life, u've just been fooling yrself and probably yr mom sees that in u, yr cowardice as a reminiscence of yr dad. Nobody is immune to getting cuckolded but what u do after that, it decides whether u are a man or just a born loser, yr understanding and action, that defines u as a person. Sometime when u'll get old and in dire need of a partner or a family, u'll be all alone, not a single body around ready to fill yr loneliness, even out of pity. Nobody pities a helpless cuck, a loser in reality. Also if yr mom treated u like trash and yr childhood friend cucked u right from yr childhood. Anyways all of us are not u, so please provide choices so we can enjoy our time.