Unaware in the City

Version - 37b Basic





Take control of a 21 years old woman, design her how you like and then dump her into the heart of a metropolis, known as The City! Decide who she talks to, what place she works at, how she performs her duties, the control is all in your hands- err, hand... Have fun with a dynamic world as conversations and situations change based on your choices, your physique, how you respond and your skills! Everything you do can have a ripple effect. Be prepared for a world that is as uncaring as the one we live in. People won't always treat the main character nice or they may be really helpful, like helping her out of a dress whether she wants to or not!

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Version 37b Basic
Developer Mr. Unaware StudiosSubscribeStarItch.io
OS Windows, Mac, Linux, Android
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-08-06



Nyeste kommentarer


Let's be fair, it's not buggy anymore. The game mechanics are quite easy to understand and there is a medium range of possibilities. Just one is mandatory: you're deemed to gain a bad reputation, as even getting raped with modest clothing make people consider that your are a slut. Apart from that, I feel I had pleasure to play this game.


cannot even get out from the first level bathroom, WTF is this shit that you dare calling a game?


Finally, Have been waiting for the game!!!


sounds like a great concept but right now it is too buggy to play, couldn't even get out of the first bathroom lol