Because I Love Her

Version - Alpha Love Update





You play out the lives of Claire and John, a couple who have been together since high school. You live a casual life where you feel happy, but only out of convenience of your current situation. Things change as you both encounter new found friends throughout the city, and you both begin to wonder if you’re together for the right reasons, or if the search for something greater still exists. - In this novel, you will develop new found friendships, new job opportunities, and decide the fate of each character and whether or not they are meant to be, or if it’s time to explore your options. - There is a romance route, and a corruption route, you decide. - Please read before downloading or replying to thread. - NTR is fully avoidable in new release known as Episode 1​

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Version Alpha Love Update
Developer The Typist
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-09-17



Nyeste kommentarer


It says in the intro that NTR is optional, but it doesn't take long for one of the main characters to fool around with someone else without an option to prevent it. I hate NTR!!!!