Obscurite Magie: The Blood of Kings

Version - 1.04





Fifteen years ago, the ruler of the Giselian Empire was deposed in a coup d'etat. - The current ruler, Valon, imposes heavy taxes on the people, but the imperial army is strong and the nation is secure. - The people suffer from the steep taxes, but very few dare speak out. - Lietta Fane is a girl who works as an adventurer in the Giselian Empire. - She was raised by her swordmaster Negel for as long as she can remember. - She never knew her parents. In addition to her adventurer work, she's also searching for the person who killed Negel. - One day she receives a request from the guild to escort a nobleman. - On the way to their destination, she is attacked, and must now confront her destiny...​

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