Evalia: The Lust Kingdom

Version - 1.26.00





Evalia: The Lust Kingdom is an erotic sandbox RPG in which you get to become a ruler of a sex-obsessed city called Evalia. The game allows you to build relationships with anyone in your kingdom, including unique NPCs that are a part of your kingdom, as well as randomly generated NPCs that live in Evalia. Anyone can become your lover, waifu/husbando, sextoy, sex slave - the sky's the limit!

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Version 1.26.00
Developer VelvetGeneItch.ioSubscribeStar
OS Windows, Linux, Mac
Language English
Thread Updated 2024-05-24



Nyeste kommentarer


I was curious about the variety apparently proposed. Unfortunately, not much has been written and I frequently came across some "coming soon" notices. Difficult to judge such a content while so few is available. It can turn really good or really bad, depending on what comes next. For now, it's too early and not already playable.