Lust for Life: A Sissy Story

Versão - 0.19





In this game you will play a guy, newly moved to the city with his mother, who will find himself discovering new sides to his sexuality. As you continue in your adventure you will explore this new nature of yours and deal with many other characters, both female and male, who will push you down that path. - All of the content of the game will focus on your journey of feminization and acceptance of your new sexuality with a whole growing series of events occurring as you progress through the game. - The game is a spinoff of Lust for Life and is set in the same city as the main game with most of the characters already seen in the other and some new characters.​

Gostei Não Gostei
Version 0.19
Developer MartinDrakeSubscribeStar
OS Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS
Language English, Italian
Thread Updated 2024-06-11



Comentários Recentes


np, the same already happened to me. I'm not upset anymore, anyway. I Just did what was the best: leave this game finish like others before him, abandoned.


sorry for the spam it said that it failed to post


I agree with you but lets withdraw from insulting them to the moon and back because insulting them isn't gonna help


I agree with you but lets withdraw from insulting them to the moon and back because insulting them isn't gonna help


I agree with you but lets withdraw from insulting them to the moon and back because insulting them isn't gonna help


I agree with you but lets withdraw from insulting them to the moon and back because insulting them isn't gonna help


Probably. And you're right, if I'm upset I don't NEED to play that much. But what's the use of writing the same story as others already did? Moreover, what's the use of making the same crucial points? And the same mandatory corruption steps? All of them are abandoned before the various devs find inspiration to write any kind of other path, trying anything original or experimenting something new to this kind of game. I've tried many of them. Only one of these sissy games has a voluntary transformation. Only another one has various pathes and also a truly original drama plot. Isn't it high time to try something really original instead of spending time on clones?


Everytime I check a Sissy game, it's all the same old scenario by any other name! "You want to become more of a woman? Then you HAVE to become submissive and slutty!" Is it the way you think of real women? If so, real women are not your thing (they are so much more complicated than this!) and you should probably turn gay right away. The problem you'll face with feminine guys (that you apparently despise) is that they are liked by women more than YOU! Question of delicacy and tact. Ok, I'm using words you don't even know, sorry.