Hole Dweller

Versão - 42





Hole dweller is a sandbox incremental furry porn game! - You are the captain of a caravan, with spare rooms, not to worry there are plenty of cute and hot girls to fill them with. - The game is intentionally unbalanced at the moment shop prices are super low and the love stone gain is up the roof. The game will be balanced once i think it is worth grinding through, use the cheat listed bellow in the meantime​

Gostei Não Gostei

Esse desenvolvedor também está em Patreon e Itch.io - Se você gostar deste jogo por favor considere e avalie o desenvolvedor para que eles continuem criando jogos no futuro.

Length Depends what you go for the game can be looped indefinetly, looping it once probably takes a couple of hours your first time through, getting all poses with a girl would take like 20 mins or so
Version 42
Developer ThighHighGamesSubscribestarItch.io
OS Windows
Language English
Thread Updated 2023-06-28



Comentários Recentes


The game falls short when getting the characters but that does not take away from its goodness, once you try everything it becomes repetitive (it would be good if your character when transforming it could also get pregnant, also being able to do threesomes) in short, a game 8/10


___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object sys_game: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [15] out of range [0] - -5.MAP_STATUS_ARRAY(101948,15) at gml_Script_scr_draw_bg_drill ############################################################################################ gml_Script_scr_draw_bg_drill (line -1) gml_Script_scr_loop_draw gml_Object_sys_game_Draw_0


i have a problem after cuple updates i cant open the game idk why